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Your Health is a Priority: A Program for Long-term Wellness

It's me, Maggie! For those of you that are new to my site, I’m a Certified Plant-Based Nutritionist and Certified Fitness Coach. I’ve been in this space for 10 years working with clients 1-1, in group settings, and hosting corporate wellness events in San Francisco.

My new online 1-1 (w)holistic coaching program caters specifically to the busy women and men that struggle with finding a balance with workouts, forming better habits, and eating properly for their body while still having a social life and working their 9-5 jobs.

We live in a world where everything’s gotta be instantaneous and easy which leads us to gravitate toward the easy quick fixes. But let me point out that if it were that simple everyone would be the healthiest and fittest they can be. Instead, 74% of the U.S. population is overweight and the increasing percentage of chronic illnesses is not slowing down at all. OUR HEALTH IS A CONSTANT JOURNEY. You have to give yourself the time and grace because unless you are consistently re-evaluating, and doing the work, you won’t see sustainable results.

I hear you loud and clear. You're frustrated with the way you look and feel, you are scared that you might fail at another weight loss plan, and you don’t feel like you have time to do all that it takes to be healthy… but this is why having a guided, approachable plan could be your solution. It’s all about knowing what steps to take next and not about doing THE MOST.

Step 1 on this journey is to set attainable goals.

My program isn’t just another weight loss or quick-fix program. The traditional thinking “eat less and exercise more” just does not work in our busy world anymore, and to be quite honest, it never sticks because there’s a lot that goes into health and wellness than just calories in, calories out…

My (w)holistic signature program focuses on laying out the foundation so you can ditch diets once and for all, stop feeling the guilt because you already bounced back from the cleanse you did last weekend, and learn to enjoy movement without dreading it like it's a chore.

This approach is the best way to sustain results without counting and measuring. We will take a look at your whole self - body, mind, and current lifestyle - so we can implement the right tools and education for optimal health.

Check out some recent reviews below!

Are you open to taking steps to better your health? Enrollment is officially open! Fill out an application here or send me a note to connect. Let's set you up for a discovery call to see if this program is the right fit for you.




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