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So, it's that time of the month again ladies... | Quick tips to fight PMS

So, it’s that time of the month again and we all see it coming: the headaches, cloudy brains, belly bloats, face swelling, and not to mention the most common “DON’T MESS WITH ME" mood swings. Why is this happening you wonder? To keep it as simple as possible, our hormones are fluctuating and having a party of their own in your body celebrating you being a woman. WOOHOO!

Let’s celebrate WITH IT and NOT AGAINST IT by feeding what it needs during that time. Your body is in need of more nutrients at this point- the better you take care of your body from the inside, and I PROMISE YOU (I rarely say that) the better you will feel. Here are a few tips!

Water should be an obvious MUST during your menstruation. It is especially important because your body is extra dehydrated a week before and during that time. This will help with bloating since bloating is usually a sign of your body retaining water. By staying hydrated, you are not giving a chance for your body to suck all the water down and reflect that on your appearance, leaving you looking like a chipmunk or a blowfish.

Ginger, tumeric, and cinnamon are great spices to use to help relieve the bloat and cramps. Let’s calm the tummy down with a nice hot cup of ginger tea or maybe my favorite drink ever - Tumeric Milk. I will link the recipe down below.

Eat lots of leafy greens including spinach, kale, and mustard green - just to name a few. Try to avoid the cruciferous veggies during this time like broccoli, cabbage, and brussels sprouts - these are harder for the body to digest, hence more gas. PHEW!

Leafy greens also provide you the calcium needed to help alleviate menstrual cramps. The high amounts of vitamin E, B6, and magnesium will help the body fight off the pains.

Ever wonder why we crave the sugary or extra salty foods? Your body is searching for anything to boost your mood by gravitating towards refined carbohydrates and other forms of energy to spike that blood sugar. What you can do is eat a proper balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. My recommendation is to lean towards a plant based lifestyle and add in what you like here and there. The point is to always listen to your body and do what feels good. What works for me might not work for you, but that's my two cents.

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